Fact Check: Viral video does not show father of rape accused

Claim :
The father of rape accused released a video denouncing his sonFact :
He is not the father of a rape accused; the video was created for social awareness
The rising incidence of rape has sparked widespread outrage and concern across communities, highlighting a critical need for action and reform. As reports of sexual violence increase, public responses have varied, with many demanding stricter legal measures and more robust support systems for survivors. The growing public discourse reflects a heightened awareness of the pervasive nature of sexual violence and an urgent call for collective efforts to address and prevent such heinous acts. This surge in activism underscores a societal shift towards holding perpetrators accountable and supporting survivors in their quest for justice and healing.
Amid the ongoing investigation and protests following the rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata, Durga Devi, the mother-in-law of the accused, Sanjay Roy, has suggested that more people may have been involved in the crime, stating that Roy could not have acted alone. Speaking to ANI on Monday, Durga Devi recounted her daughter's troubled relationship with Roy, describing it as tense. She revealed that Roy had physically abused her daughter, which led to a police complaint being filed.
A video that went viral on social media shows an elderly man speaking in Telugu, pleading with the police to encounter his son because of the crime he committed in Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar Rape case.
Social media users shared it with the claims "తండ్రి అయ్యుండి ఆ మాట చెప్తున్నాడంటే ఆ కొడుకు ఎంత పనికిమాలినోడుగా తయారయ్యాడో అర్థమవుతుంది.. ఈ గొప్ప తండ్రికి హ్యట్సాఫ్ "
When we translated it to English we found " If the father is saying that, then you can understand how useless the son has become. Hats off to this great father".

Not only did social media users react, but a digital media outlet also published the video with the caption: "A father released a video stating that his son has made a mistake and requesting that he be encountered. If even his own father is saying this, it shows how worthless the son has become. Hats off to this great father."
Fact Check: We found the claim is Misleading, he is not the father of the Rape accused.
As mentioned in the video, we searched for the keyword "Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar Rape case," but we could not find any relevant information.
During the investigation in the comments section of the viral post we found, a user comments "ACTOR Raj Mudiraj ra"

When we search for "Raj Mudiraj", we found on 31st August Raj Madiraju who is a Director posted a video in his social media with the caption “Just a disclaimer "
On 31st August 2024, Telugu Scribe also posted “అతను సంజీవ్ రెడ్డి నగర్ రేప్ ఘటన నిందితుడి తండ్రి కాదు
రాజ్ మాదిరాజు అనే డైరెక్టర్, నటుడు సమాజంలో జరుగుతున్న రేప్ ఘటనల మీద సోషల్ అవేర్నెస్ కోసం, నిందితుల విషయంలో తల్లి తండ్రులు భాద్యత ఎలా ఉండాలో చెప్తూ చేసిన వీడియో ఇది".
When we translate it to English we found, "He is not the father of rape accuse. This is a video made by Raj Madiraju, a director and actor, for social awareness about the rape incidents happening in the society, telling how the parents should be responsible in the case of the accused".
While sharing the Disclaimer video Big TV Breaking News mentioned " అమ్మాయిని రేప్ చేసిన నా కొడుకుని రాళ్లతో కొట్టి చంపండి అంటూ ఏడుస్తూ వీడియో పోస్టుచేసిన డైరెక్టర్ రాజ్ మాదిరాజు.. ఆడపిల్లలపై జరుగుతున్న రేప్ లపై స్పందించి ఒక తండ్రిగా ఈ వీడియో చేశాను. నేను పబ్లిసిటీ కోసం ఈ వీడియో చేయలేదు.. పోలీసులని క్షమాపణ అడుగుతున్నాను.
In English, the message translates to: "Director Raj Madiraju posted a video, tearfully requesting that his son, who raped a girl, be killed. He made this video as a father in response to the issue of rape, not for publicity. He also apologized to the police.
We found the claim is misleading. The person in the video is not the father of a rape accused; he is Raj Madiraju, a director who created the video to raise awareness about rape incidents in society.