Fact Check: Image showing a baby in a cardboard box is an old one from Greece but not from Gaza

Days after Hamas militants stormed into Israel on October 7, 2023, social media was flooded with misleading videos and photos making it difficult to assess the real situation in the area of war.

Update: 2023-10-25 06:15 GMT


Days after Hamas militants stormed into Israel on October 7, 2023, social media was flooded with misleading videos and photos making it difficult to assess the real situation in the area of war. One such image of a baby sitting in a cardboard box next to a woman was shared on social media with the claim that it depicts life in Palestine.

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Fact Check:

The claim is False. The image is not from Gaza and is not recent.

When we performed a Google reverse image search, we found that the image has been in circulation on the internet for many years.

A Reddit post published on November 29, 2021, shares the same image with the caption: “When in the morning you wake up angry and complain for no reason, always remember that being born in the right place in the world is just a matter of luck.

Here is a similar post on Linked In.

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We also found a post on X (Twitter) that shared the image on December 10, 2016.

The image was also published in a report published on Women's Refugee Commission.org where the baby is named Mariam at the refugee camp in Idomeni Greece.

Taking a cue from this, when we searched using the keywords ‘Idomeni refugee camp, Greece’, we found an article published on deeply.thenewhumanitarian.org, with the title ‘Documenting Daily Life at Idomeni Camp’. The article talks about the life of the refugees stranded at a makeshift camp in Idomeni, Greece. The viral image was shared in the article with the caption ‘A small child sits in an empty cardboard box. Many people have not had adequate comfortable places to sleep, the image was taken by Rober Astorgano. This article is dated April 6, 2016.

Hence, the viral image does not show the recent situation in Gaza, it is an old image from the year 2016. The image was shot at a makeshift refugee camp in Idomeni, Greece. The claim is False

Claim :  An image showing a baby in a cardboard box is from Gaza, it represents the present situation in Gaza.
Claimed By :  Social media users
Fact Check :  False

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