Fact-Check Methodology

Selection of claims: Telugupost receives claims via social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Sharechat, Instagram, etc, and also email and WhatsApp tipline. The claims are selected on the parameters of the factors such as the virality of the claim, the source of the claim, and is the claim provocative and can lead to violence or physical harm. Based on these factors, the claims will be debunked. Enough care is taken to ensure there is no bias of any kind while selecting the claim.

Type of claims: The claims chosen are viral mostly in the areas of Politics, Health, science, climate, government schemes, etc. Telugupost team monitors various people, groups, and pages on different social media platforms. We also examine memes and viral images. We also update ourselves by browsing through everyday news stories, speeches of political leaders, press releases, and various social media accounts.

Sources and tools to verify: After selecting the claim, Telugupost verifies it systematically using authentic sources and tools. We use tools like Google reverse image search, Yandex reverse image search for images, and also tools like invid to break a video into frames and search using the reverse image search.

We are also in constant contact with local authorities, and police officials and refer to the official data to get the first-hand story of the circumstances. We also take only authentic news articles as sources while researching the information. Contacting the persons related to the claim and also consulting reputed experts is also done whenever needed. More than one tool and method will be used while assessing the claims.

How we write fact check: Once the claim is established, research undertaken, and evaluated, we publish articles furnishing all the details. We use simple language while writing about the claim, the process followed to assess the claim, and also quote the sources while explaining the process to the readers. The authoritative sources such as news websites, image-sharing websites, and also documents from the authorities are published in the fact check. Relevant data/information is presented in the form of tables, charts, etc. to validate the fact check. If the information is inadequate, we refrain from publishing our own conclusions. Every fact check published is edited by a sub-editor to avoid any errors.

Rating: Based on the above research, a conclusion is arrived at. The broad ratings we follow are – TRUE – PARTLY TRUE – FALSE – MISLEADING – UNVERIFIED.

Corrections: If there are any updates or corrections, Telugupost never shies away from correcting the information and updating it for the readers. Readers are encouraged to write to us with any corrections through the ‘Contact Us’. All such communication is taken very seriously and relevant corrections are made if they are found to be valid within 48 hours of the receipt of a correction email or message. Readers are also encouraged to submit claims through e-mail. In case of an error, we acknowledge that we have been wrong and correct it. We update the users about the corrections on our corrections policy page.

Non partisanship policy

As a part of the company’s policy, the employees of Truth Serum Media Private Limited are made to sign an undertaking which clearly states that the employees are not directly or indirectly involved in any political activity. Our Fact Checks do not contain opinions of any sort, but simply state facts. We also ensure that anyone being recruited into the fact-checking team does not have any affiliation with political parties and advocacy organizations. On a case-to-case basis, people’s support for causes is reviewed so that it is in conformity with our policies.

The employees are mandated to abide by the company’s code of conduct and policies. They need to avoid public demonstration of any political views and on any social media or public platforms. They should not engage in any online or offline campaign or be the members of any organisation/ network. The employees are prohibited from contesting or accepting any appointment or association of whatsoever nature with any public office.

A supervisor must be informed when a spouse or other members of an employee's household have any ongoing involvement in political causes, either professionally or personally.

Fact-check Corrections Policy

At Telugu post, we put all efforts to provide you with accurate data/information. However, if you find a discrepancy in data/information or wish to suggest corrections to any Fact-Check, please write to us at [email protected]. with the article title in the subject line and the details of the proposed correction. We assure you that we will look into the same & update with a correction wherever necessary within 48 hours of the receipt of a correction email.

What is covered in this policy?

The following are covered in the policy and will be addressed within the given timelines.

  • Factual Errors: Any factual error in data, claim, source or any other content in the story can be reported.
  • Broken Links: Any broken link to a claim, source or any other broken hyperlink can be reported.
  • Conclusion: If you believe that the rating used in the fact-check is not supported by the evidence presented in the story.

What is not covered in this policy?

Opinions or any other issues not listed above are not covered in this policy and hence we are not obliged to respond in such cases.

How is a correction made?

A correction is made prominently with an editor’s note along with regrets for getting it wrong. In other cases where an update is made based on additional information, an update along with the date is included in the story.

Example of articles corrected:

1) Correction: The name of the country was mistakenly published as Columbia, now changed to Colombia

Article link: https://www.telugupost.com/english-factcheck/viral-video-of-a-man-helping-people-cross-a-flooded-road-with-a-cart-is-not-from-india-but-from-columbia-1489286

Updated date: 16th Aug 2023

2) Correction: The conclusion in the claim review section is updated as Misleading in the article.

Article link: https://www.telugupost.com/english-factcheck/video-showing-modis-effigy-garlanded-with-footwear-during-his-us-visit-is-not-recent-1482839

3) Correction: The conclusion in the claim review section is updated as Misleading in the article.

Article link: https://www.telugupost.com/english-factcheck/video-showing-kharge-hitting-back-at-a-gathering-for-modi-chants-is-misleading-1512582

Updated Date: 1st Jan 2024

4) Correction: The article mistakenly stated Thursday instead of January 13, 2023, which was updated on January 31, 2024.

Article link: https://www.telugupost.com/english-factcheck/fact-check-viral-video-showing-a-leopard-moving-in-the-night-is-from-bengaluru-university-but-not-bhubaneswar-1517906

Updated Date: 31st January 2024

Fact-Check Complaints

Not satisfied with our Fact Check? You can write to us at our email [email protected] and we would be happy to know how we can improve our report.

TeluguPost has published factcheck methodology, non-partisanship policy and corrections policy and follows it diligently in accordance with the IFCN Code. we strictly adhere to International Fact-checking Network IFCN code of principles. Click here to read IFCN code.

If you feel that The Telugupost has violated the IFCN Code, you may inform the IFCN by clicking on the link here.

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