Fact Check: Consumption of warm water mixed with chia seeds, ginger, lemon doesn't burn belly fat
A video is viral on social media claiming that consuming a glass of a warm water mixed with chia seeds, cayenne pepper, ginger powder, lemon juice and organic honey every day, burns belly fat up to 17 pounds in just 2 weeks.

Hyderabad: A video is viral on social media claiming that consuming a glass of a warm water mixed with chia seeds, cayenne pepper, ginger powder, lemon juice and organic honey every day, burns belly fat up to 17 pounds in just 2 weeks.
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Fact Check:
The claim about consuming a glass of a warm water mixed with chia seeds, cayenne pepper, ginger powder, lemon juice, warm water, and organic honey every day burns belly fat up to 17 pounds in just 2 weeks is misleading.
We ran a Google search to check the veracity of the video and came across the websites like Mayo Clinic, the Australian government's Department of Health, NHS, nutrition experts, where there is no information about any magic drink/food that can melt away excess body fat. According to them, there's no easy way to lose weight quickly. The best way to lose weight is slowly, by making small, achievable changes in diet, eating and exercise habits combined with an active lifestyle and adequate sleep.
Now, let's look at the health benefits of each of the ingredients used in the drink.
Chia seeds: Better heart health, improved blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation, healthier weight management by making you feel full, so that you consume less food.
Cayenne Pepper: Pain relief, metabolism boost, digestive health, etc.
Ginger: Fights germs, lowers blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, relieves indigestion, etc.
Honey: Might reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, wound healing, might offer anti-depressant, anti-anxiety benefits etc.
Lemon: Improves digestion, promotes heart's health, weight management (pectin fibre found in lemons expands once it is ingested, making you feel full sooner and longer) etc.
Warm water: Water keeps the body hydrated. If you have symptoms of cold, drinking hot water can help deal with sinus and congestion as steam rises into the nasal passages.
Despite the fact that these ingredients have a variety of health benefits, including weight loss, no research has been conducted on the health benefits of these ingredients when consumed together. In fact, no food is truly fat-burning. The term "fat-burning foods" may refer to those that cause fat loss by stimulating metabolism, decreasing appetite, or decreasing overall food intake.
The following are the leading causes of overweight/obesity, according to Harvard Medical School:
Low calorie expenditure and high calorie intake
Genetic factors
Lack of physical activity
Sedentary lifestyle
Stress and sleep
Junk food
Hence, the claim is misleading.